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July 2024 Concerts for Introverts

Welcome to Concerts for Introverts, a place we can gather in our homes on a lazy Sunday to listen to music and catch up with each other... or decide you were done with people and just want to use the time to catch up on your favorite introverted hobbies.

These tickets grant you access to our live exclusive Zoom room, where you can chat during the show, request songs, and connect face to face with fellow little spiralings.

July 7, 2024
2-3:30pm Pacific
5-6:30pm Eastern
10-11:30pm UK
Every first Sunday (usually) | Online on Zoom

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  • Preferred option
    Full-price ticket - $12$12.00
  • Preferred option
    $12 ticket + tip: Name your own price!

Yes! Order the live album CD!

$18 + shipping
Recorded from the November and December 2021 Concerts for Introverts shows, this album showcases the highlights of the music and community we built here. 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


No one will be turned away due to lack of funds. If you're broke-ass broke right now, email and I'll be happy to hook you up. :)

Order the live album NOW! 
Remember when you actually used to buy physical CDs? I still do, and maybe you do too. Or you just like to get a souvenir you can hold in your hands from an awesome concert experience. Well here you go - get a physical copy of the Concerts for Introverts live album sent straight to your introvert cave!
  • Total payment
  • 1x@ Little Spiral @ Concerts for Introverts - July 2024$0

All prices in USD

@ Little Spiral @ Concerts for Introverts - July 2024$0
